Blast at Texas oil well site leaves worker injured

Oct. 14, 2013

A worker was treated for burns on the morning of Oct. 8 following an explosion at an oil well site near the town of Gillet in Karnes County, Texas, about 54 miles southeast of San Antonio.

A worker was treated for burns on the morning of Oct. 8 following an explosion at an oil well site near the town of Gillet in Karnes County, Texas, about 54 miles southeast of San Antonio, reported

Emergency crews were sent to the site, including crews from at least five fire departments. The fire was put out a few hours after the explosion and the site is currently being investigated by the Texas Railroad Commission and OSHA. Traffic along Highway 80 was closed as a precaution for several hours, the news source said.

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According to fire department officials, the injured person was a 38-year-old worker at the facility, who was inspecting a storage tank full of oil and salt water when it exploded. As a result, he suffered burns to his chest and arms and was taken to San Antonio Military Medical Center. The town sheriff told reporters that he had spoken with the worker on the phone and was assured that he was going to be fine.

Karnes City Fire Chief Charles Malik explained that his crews had to wait before they could enter the site because there were ten other storage tanks located in the immediate vicinity of the fire. The fire could only be contained after it was established that flames would not reach the tanks.

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