Canadian study deems BPA in food packaging safe for pregnant women

June 30, 2014

Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) in food packaging in doses the general population is likely to experience on a daily basis is not expected to pose any health risks, even to newborns and young children.

Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) in food packaging in doses the general population is likely to experience on a daily basis is not expected to pose any health risks, even to newborns and young children, a new study by Health Canada suggests.

The study looked at the possible adverse health effects on pregnant women and their exposure to BPA through food packaging and concluded that even though the presence of the substance is not unexpected among pregnant women, it is unlikely to result in any negative health consequences. Researchers found a lower average concentration of BPA in surveyed women's urine and an overall lower percentage of women with any detectable level of BPA in comparison to the those reported in a study on Canadian women of reproductive age. Scientists say the reason for this disparity is not known, but the different results could be partly due to population differences between the subjects of the two studies.

According to Health Canada, the results from its study are "significant" and provide answers regarding the exposure to BPA of one of the most vulnerable subpopulation groups — pregnant women. The results could also be used as a basis for continued monitoring, the organization said.

Canadian regulators prioritize evaluation of pre-market submissions for BPA-free can coatings, with a number of those already tested and deemed safe for packaging of liquid infant formula, Health Canada pointed out.

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