Chemical operators in high demand

Feb. 4, 2013

Chemical plants in Washington County, Ohio, are looking to hire between 100 and 200 operators this year, but the demand is not limited only to this region.

Chemical operators are in high demand in Washington County, Ohio, and there are no signs of a slowdown, The Marietta Times reported.

Between 100 and 200 jobs are expected to be available at Washington County chemical plants this year, according to Jim Siegfried, training coordinator for industrial programs with the Washington County Career Center's Adult Technical Training wing.

"The need is greater now than I've ever seen it," he said.

Siegfried, who helps train chemical operators through the Career Center, added that the opportunities aren't limited only to Washington County.

"When we can find people that take our class that are willing to relocate, they're hiring them one right after the other," said Siegfried.

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