Complete Guide to Industrial Metal Detectors

Nov. 22, 2011

When Eriez Magnetics first opened its doors in 1942, the focus was on providing
magnetic separation equipment-such as plate and grate magnets-to customers who wanted
to remove tramp iron and steel from product flows.

When Eriez Magnetics first opened its doors in 1942, the focus was on providing magnetic separation equipment-such as plate and grate magnets-to customers who wanted to remove tramp iron and steel from product flows. These magnetic devices, as well as others developed over the years, have proven effective at eliminating contamination by ferrous materials. However, many customers with ferrous contamination problems also experience contamination by non-ferrous metals, such as brass, aluminum, and stainless steel. To attack these problems, Eriez added a limited range of metal detectors to their product offerings in the early 1980’s. In the ensuing decades, the product line has been expanded to include state-of-the-art metal detectors suitable for virtually all metal contaminant removal applications. This expansion has taken place both through in-house development-resulting in the highly advanced E-Z Tec® digital detectors-and through the acquisition of Pulse-Technology, a leading British metal detector producer.

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