Dow Hiring 100 People at Michigan Plant

Sept. 14, 2010

The Dow Chemical Co. said it will hire 100 people for new, full-time manufacturing jobs at a Michigan plant, reports the Associated Press. The plant combines roofing shingles with

The Dow Chemical Co. said it will hire 100 people for new, full-time manufacturing jobs at a Michigan plant, reports the Associated Press. The plant combines roofing shingles with solar cells to create an energy generating “solar shingle.” Dow developed its Powerhouse Solar Shingle as part of a renewable energy project that received $20 million in funding from the Department of Energy. It is expected to become available next year. The company said it will begin filling the positions by the end of this month. The jobs are part of a first phase of hiring that may bring as many as 1,200 jobs to the area by 2014, Dow Chemical said.

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