Downdraft Table

Jan. 1, 2013

Airflow Systems’ DT-3000V2 downdraft table is designed to provide high-efficiency, source-point collection and filtration of powder, dust, fumes, smoke and other contaminants produced during industrial processing and production operations.

Airflow Systems’ DT-3000V2 downdraft table is designed to provide high-efficiency, source-point collection and filtration of powder, dust, fumes, smoke and other contaminants produced during industrial processing and production operations. The DT-3000V2 generates 195 FPM of downdraft air velocity across the 19.25 sq. ft., grate-style work surface to quickly draw contaminants down and away from the worker’s breathing zone. Contaminants are then collected and filtered from the airflow path using high-efficiency filtration (MERV 17 after-filter). The Airflow Systems DT-3000V2 prevents contaminants from becoming airborne, migrating throughout the facility and presenting possible environmental health and safety concerns.

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