EPA recognizes Eastman Chemical for energy efficiency improvements

March 6, 2013

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized Eastman Chemical Company as a 2013 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for strategically managing and improving energy efficiency during 2012.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized Eastman Chemical Company as a 2013 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for strategically managing and improving energy efficiency during 2012.

Eastman is the only chemical company to be named ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year more than once. In choosing Eastman for the award, EPA said it is recognizing the company for continuing to build upon its sound energy management foundation.

RELATED: Eastman Chemical joins World Business Council for Sustainable Development

"Recognition as ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for the second consecutive year is truly an honor," said Jim Rogers, chairman and chief executive officer of Eastman. "Energy efficiency is one of the global macro trends challenging the world and Eastman is addressing this challenge through sustainable solutions that include our own emissions reductions and energy efficiency efforts, as well as the development of products that enable consumers to reduce emissions.  We are proud of Eastman's partnership with ENERGY STAR and our energy management achievements."

According to Eastman, the ENERGY STAR program provides a proven energy management strategy that has helped the company achieve reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

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