European Commission invests EUR 130 million in Romanian water treatment project

July 29, 2013

The European Commission has approved a €130 million investment for a wastewater treatment project around the city of Bucharest, Romania.

The European Commission has approved a €130 million investment for a wastewater treatment project around the city of Bucharest, Romania.

The project, which consists of investments in the wastewater infrastructure in Bucharest and its 11 surrounding areas in the county of Ilfov, includes the rehabilitation and extension of the wastewater collection and treatment systems providing full wastewater treatment before discharge into sensitive waters.

The decision approves the contribution for the phase I of the project covering the years 2009-2015, which will cost €258 million in total. The European Union, through the Cohesion Fund, will finance €130 million. The investment is part of the "Environment" sectorial program. The total cost of the project (phase I and phase II) amounts to €416.5 million.

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“This investment will significantly improve the quality of life of the more than 2 million citizens around Bucharest," said Johannes Hahn, commissioner for regional policy. "It will improve the water quality of the Dambovita river and hence be beneficial for the human health of the population. It will also enhance the economic attractiveness of the area for businesses and companies."

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