Explosion at Air Liquide plant kills one

Feb. 13, 2013

An explosion Saturday morning at the Air Liquide cylinder plant in La Porte, Texas, killed one worker and left another with serious burns.

An explosion Saturday morning at the Air Liquide cylinder plant in La Porte, Texas, killed one worker and left another with serious burns.

An Air Liquide spokesperson told local news station KPRC-TV that 20 people were inside the facility at the time of the blast. One person was airlifted to the University of Texas Medical Branch with severe injuries. An Air Liquide technician, 30-year-old Javier Ortiz, was killed in the explosion and subsequent fire.

RELATED: Three workers suffer severe burns at New Jersey chemical plant

Officials are still investigating the cause of the incident. The facility supplies and mixes nitrogen and carbon dioxide for oil and gas producers.

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