Multi-bag Filter Housings System for High-Volume Applications

Jan. 1, 2013

Eaton Corporation’s PROLINE 100™ Series filter housings are 100 PSI rated, non-coded vessels for use with standard #2 size filter bags. The new HE Series vessel design offers a

Eaton Corporation’s PROLINE 100™ Series filter housings are 100 PSI rated, non-coded vessels for use with standard #2 size filter bags. The new HE Series vessel design offers a spring assisted lifting mechanism that balances the cover perfectly, according to the manufacturer. The SE Series vessel offers the revolutionary QIC-LOCK® opening mechanism for fast and easy access to the filter chamber with minimal downtime. Eaton’s development of the PROLINE 100 Series multi-bag vessel took into consideration the total life cycle costs as well as their commitment to sustainability. As a result, the housings are only available in 304 stainless steel, which is 100 percent recyclable when service life is complete. Available from Eaton’s filtration distribution network, the PROLINE 100™ Series is available in four, six, eight and 12 bag configurations.

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