Multiparameter Converter for Liquid Analysis

Feb. 26, 2013

The OPTISENS MAC 100 multiparameter converter is suitable for the measurement of different analytical parameters such as pH/ORP and free chlorine.

The OPTISENS MAC 100 multiparameter converter is suitable for the measurement of different analytical parameters such as pH/ORP and free chlorine. Regardless of which sensor is used or which parameter is being measured, the device offers standardized startup and operation for all. The user can also opt to measure two different parameters or to connect two different sensors to one signal converter. This eliminates the need to install a second signal converter. If available, the device can also automatically control sensor cleaning. The OPTISENS MAC 100’s modular design offers great flexibility in configurations from cost-efficient single-channel converters to complex measuring systems. The device can be adapted perfectly for the user’s requirements – users specify the number and type of signal inputs and outputs, and define the complexity of the measuring point and the number of parameters. The standardized user interface and large, easy-to-use graphic display help speed up commissioning of the device and open access to a wide range of diagnostic functions for devices and processes.

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