Multiple Screw Feeder Unloader

Jan. 1, 2013

The patented Sodimate unloader features a vertical spindle fitted with flexible blades to ensure the mechanical discharge of dry powders from silos, rigid bins and hoppers. The unloader rotates

The patented Sodimate unloader features a vertical spindle fitted with flexible blades to ensure the mechanical discharge of dry powders from silos, rigid bins and hoppers. The unloader rotates within the container bottom to prevent non-flowing materials from jamming, bridging, compacting or rat holing as often seen with vibration and fluidization systems. The system can also integrate up to four precise volumetric screw feeders. Each feeder is totally independent and can feed up to 15,000 lb/hr with different lengths and throughput variations. Sodimate’s discharger was specifically designed for difficult dry chemicals such as lime and soda ash.

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