Oil Skimmer

Aug. 30, 2012

Abanaki Corp.’s new TubeTastic! HC oil skimmers work in places where other skimmers can’t go, particularly on coolant sumps with little or no overhead access. The TubeTastic! HC easily

Abanaki Corp.’s new TubeTastic! HC oil skimmers work in places where other skimmers can’t go, particularly on coolant sumps with little or no overhead access. The TubeTastic! HC easily mounts to the side of virtually any machining center coolant sump. It can skim oil from chip conveyors or completely enclosed machining centers. Using an existing opening through a small access cutout, the unit”s collector tube runs through the surface of the coolant to collect unwanted oils. The oil then flows out the discharge tube into any waste oil container for easy disposal. This oil skimmer is capable of collecting up to 3.5 gallons of oil per hour and has a reach of up to 10 feet, making it a good fit for medium sized oil removal applications. The TubeTastic! HC features a fan-cooled, continuous duty motor and standard collector tubes measuring from 36- to 120-inch reach. Units are available with a 110v or 220v, 1ph, 60Hz motor.
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