Omega Engineering opens new office in Singapore

Sept. 9, 2013

Omega Engineering, Inc. is opening a new office in Singapore to coordinate its business throughout the Southeast Asia region, the company announced last week.

Omega Engineering, Inc. is opening a new office in Singapore to coordinate its business throughout the Southeast Asia region. This is part of a multi-phase plan to expand its global presence and footprint across Asia, the company announced last week.

The official grand opening of the new office will be held on Sept. 27, 2013.

This follows the hugely successful opening of the China office last year, say Omega Engineering officials, with additional investments to be made in other countries in the Asia Pacific region. Omega Engineering has been a leader in process measurement and control in the USA for over 50 years.

The company appointed Michael Lopez as the Omega Engineering General Manager of Southeast Asia. The Omega Southeast Asian business unit will have more than a dozen employees, including applications and technical support engineers.

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“Our move into Singapore helps us to better service our clients in Southeast Asia,” Omega Engineering’s Asia Pacific Vice President and Managing Director, Patricia Liu, commented. “We have a significant installed base of business here where customers in multiple industries continue to expand their operations. Locating our newest office near our customers allows us to serve their needs more efficiently. It also presents us with an opportunity to grow our activities and expand our impact while more effectively reaching new customers in this emerging economic region.”

Omega manufactures more than 100,000 temperature, pressure and flow products for use in manufacturing, test and research environments.

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