Public officials charged over deadly fire at Chinese poultry plant

July 8, 2013

The Chinese government has charged 11 public officials with dereliction of duty after more than 120 people were killed June 3 in a deadly fire at a poultry plant in Jilin Province.

Photo credit: Top Photo Corporation/Thinkstock

The Chinese government has charged 11 public officials with dereliction of duty after more than 120 people were killed June 3 in a deadly fire at a poultry plant in Jilin Province, reported.

Those charged include a township head, building officials, a township police chief and several fire officials, according to the article.

RELATED: More than 100 killed in Chinese poultry plant fire

Investigators said the Jilin Baoyuanfeng Poultry Plant Co. plant violated safety regulations, including the locking of emergency exits. China's work safety agency blamed the local government for failing to properly inspect the plant.

Established in 2009, the poultry plant employs about 1,200 people and produces approximately 67,000 tons of chicken products annually.

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