Oct. 5, 2024 - Oct. 9, 2024
The annual water quality exhibition will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans from Oct. 5 to Oct. 9.

WEFTEC, the Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference, is the largest annual water quality exhibition in the world and offers water quality professionals with the best water quality education and training available.

WEFTEC 2024 will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans from Oct. 5 to Oct. 9.

The expansive exhibition provides unparalleled access to the most cutting-edge technologies in the field. WEFTEC serves as a forum for domestic and international business opportunities; and promotes invaluable peer-to-peer networking.

From the Opening General Session to rooting for your favorite team during the Operations Challenge, experience the unique ways WEFTEC brings water quality leaders together to form valuable and supportive relationships.

Meet water sector experts and suppliers, connect with water sector colleagues, and join the important conversations to help drive the future of water quality.

WEFTEC attracts a wide cross-section of the global water sector each year, allowing you to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences that will broaden your perspectives and deepen your understanding of the sector.

For more information about the conference, go to https://www.weftec.org/


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