Squirrel blamed for power outage at Tampa water treatment plant

Feb. 26, 2013

A squirrel or other animal may be responsible for a power outage at a Tampa, Fla., water treatment plant that prompted the city to issue a 48-hour boil water notice Friday afternoon.

A squirrel or other animal may be responsible for a power outage at a Tampa, Fla., water treatment plant that prompted the city to issue a 48-hour boil water notice Friday afternoon, WTSP.com reported.

Tampa Electric Co. (TECO) said the outage of one of two underground power lines was likely caused by a small animal. A second underground power line also failed due to an equipment malfunction, leaving the David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility without power.

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According to a notice posted on tampagov.net, the loss of power resulted in customers experiencing either a drop in water pressure or a loss of service.

Power was restored within a couple hours, but TECO advised all residents to not confuse having full water pressure as an indication that the water is safe.

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