Torrential rainfall leads to massive sewage spill in Louisville

Jan. 15, 2013

Approximately 95 million gallons of untreated wastewater and stormwater was released last weekend into local creeks and the Ohio River after the mechanical screening system at the Derek R. Guthrie Water Quality Treatment Center in Louisville, Ky., malfunctioned.

Approximately 95 million gallons of untreated wastewater and stormwater was released last weekend into local creeks and the Ohio River after the mechanical screening system at the Derek R. Guthrie Water Quality Treatment Center in Louisville, Ky., malfunctioned, reported.

Torrential rainfall filled the system to capacity, leading to the equipment failure.

The system is currently undergoing a multimillion-dollar upgrade that will allow it to handle 300 million gallons of water per day. Metropolitan Sewer District officials said once the expansion is complete, overflow will no longer be a problem.


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