Train derails in Louisiana, spills hazardous chemicals

Aug. 6, 2013

About 100 homes in the small town of Lawtell, La., were evacuated this weekend after a train carrying sodium hydroxide and other chemicals derailed.

About 100 homes  in the small town of Lawtell, La., were evacuated this weekend after a train carrying sodium hydroxide and other chemicals derailed, CBS News reported.

The 26-car Union Pacific train derailed Sunday afternoon, spilling potentially hazardous chemicals. Crews dug ditches to contain the spills. Homes within a 1-mile radius were evacuated as a precaution, according to the story.

"Anytime you have chemicals leaking into the environment, that's a serious issue," Gov. Bobby Jindal said Sunday night after declaring a state of emergency. "Nobody knows the extent of the damage. We'll get that in the next 24 hours."

RELATED: Crude oil train explosion kills 60 in Quebec

One person was hospitalized due to eye irritation. No other injuries have been reported.

The tracks run parallel to U.S. Highway 190 and officials said it would be closed for at least two days.

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