TrendMiner CEO Bert Baeck discusses the importance of data monitoring in the process industries

Oct. 15, 2016

Baeck sits down with Process Flow Network Group Associate Editor Amanda Hosey to discuss the role and importance of data management in improving industrial processes.

Bert Baeck, CEO and co-founder of TrendMiner, which creates data mining software for the process industries, sits down with Process Flow Network Group Associate Editor Amanda Hosey to discuss the role and importance of data management in improving industrial processes.

In the podcast, Baeck explains why the process industries are in need of and prepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), among other important points concerning data’s relationship to processing. He says:

Data can help you to achieve better understanding of process flow and go to the level of process optimization. When talking about process-oriented environments, all the time we need to use the word "time-seeded data" because time seeded data is a thing that is produced by sensors’ excerpts, and they come from all those connected machines and assets. And if you look at data here as a crucial asset, you look to optimization. So, for example, to make a link to today, the world is all about Internet of Things, while in effect, Internet of Things within industrial (IIoT) has already been happening for decades because we were already collecting the data for years. Meaning that today, there’s already enough historical data to start making better diagnoses and doing a process optimization by applying that historical data.

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Bert Baeck is cofounder of TrendMiner and became CEO in 2013. His professional experience includes more than 10 years within big data/analytics and the manufacturing industry. Before his work with TrendMiner, he was a process optimization engineer for Bayer MaterialScience (now Covestro). Baeck holds master’s degrees in computer science and micro-electronics from the University of Ghent.

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