University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers food-processing scholarships

Dec. 13, 2012

LINCOLN, Neb. — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center announced scholarship opportunities to support the professional development of individuals working in the field of food processing.

LINCOLN, Neb. — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center announced Wednesday scholarship opportunities to support and encourage the professional development of individuals working in the field of food processing.

The scholarships — valued at $900 each — will be applied toward UNL's online Food Processing Management Certificate Program, which addresses the urgent need for new supervisors and managers in an industry where droves of experienced managers will be retiring soon.

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According to UNL, the program is designed to produce professionals with the business acumen and practical knowledge required to lead successful teams and companies and aims to increase expertise in food safety, QA/QC, employee safety, product development, processing, business growth strategies and human resources.

Scholarship applications must be received by Jan. 23, 2013. Complete application instructions can be found online here.

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