Taco Bell ground beef found to contain horse DNA

March 4, 2013

Taco Bell said the beef, which originated from a supplier in Europe, has been withdrawn from sale.

The UK's Food Standards Agency (FSA) announced Friday that ground beef sold at Taco Bell restaurants in Britain has been found to contain horse DNA, BBC reported.

Taco Bell said the beef, which originated from a supplier in Europe, has been withdrawn from sale.

"Once we learned of this issue, we immediately voluntarily tested our product for our three Taco Bell restaurants in the UK," said a Taco Bell spokesman. "Based on that testing, we learned ingredients supplied to us from one supplier in Europe tested positive for horsemeat. We immediately withdrew it from sale, and discontinued purchase of that meat and contacted the Food Standards Agency with this information. We apologize to our customers and take this matter very seriously as food quality is our highest priority."

RELATED: Irish horsemeat-in-hamburger scandal continues to unfold

The announcement is just one of the latest to hit the headlines in the horsemeat scandal that has rocked the UK's food industry and reverberated across Europe. The scandal first erupted after beef products sold in some of the major supermarkets in Britain and fast-food chain Burger King were found to contain horsemeat, leading to a number of tests and thorough investigations into suppliers.

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