Aker Solutions forms alliance with Fjords Processing

April 14, 2015

Oil and gas industry technology company Aker Solutions said on Monday that it has entered into an alliance with Fjords Processing, a provider of wellstream processing technology and equipment.

Oil and gas industry technology company Aker Solutions has entered into an alliance with Fjords Processing, a provider of wellstream processing technology and equipment.

The two firms intend to work together to develop technology and capabilities for advanced, cost-effective wellstream separation and treatment solutions for the subsea and topside oil and gas industry.

The WellSep alliance aims to provide complete solutions, drawing on Aker Solutions' subsea processing experience and testing facilities and Fjords' topside and onshore separation technologies.

"This is a great opportunity to further develop our key technologies with one of our most important partners, Aker Solutions," commented Rune Fantoft, CEO of Fjords Processing. "Developing our competence in a joint initiative will enable us to increase our focus on produced water and separation technology."

Alan Brunnen, head of subsea at Aker Solutions, added: "The alliance will further strengthen our wellstream separation technology portfolio, testing and in-house capabilities. This brings us one step further in developing fully-fledged subsea production and processing systems that increase oil and gas recovery and lower costs for our customers."

A dedicated team will be committed to the alliance, with members from both companies. The two firms said that Aker Solutions will serve the subsea market while Fjords Processing focuses on the topside segment.

Fjords Processing, formerly known as Aker Process Systems, was spun off from Aker Solutions in September 2014.

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