Beijing to develop water reclamation projects to reduce freshwater consumption

Feb. 13, 2014

The Beijing Water Authority has set out a plan to start the construction of 16 new water reclamation plants over the course of this year.

With the rapid industry growth in China, domestic demand for water and wastewater treatment solutions has been increasing. In a bid to provide a more sustainable water system to industrial and individual consumers, the Beijing Water Authority has set out a plan to start the construction of 16 new water reclamation plants over the course of this year.

Officials with the Beijing Water Authority stated that the huge demand for water in the capital will be met with a reliable alternative source, adding to the 14 reclamation facilities already under construction. According to Jin Shudong, director of the authority, the quality of the reclaimed water will be improved thanks to the upgrades that the authority has been planning and implementing. The city is hoping to include more social sector capital in water reclamation projects and in its sewage treatment plants, which at the moment are mostly funded by the government, Jin added.

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At present there are 16 functioning reclamation plants in Beijing that contribute to a reduction of the amount of freshwater used. By the end of 2014 the estimated consumption of reclaimed water in the capital city is likely to have reached 860 million cubic meters, Eco-Business said. Last year the city of Beijing consumed a total of 3.6 billion cubic meters of water, of which 800 million cubic meters were produced by reclamation facilities.

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