Dow Corning to cut 500 jobs

Jan. 14, 2013

Dow Corning Corp. announced it intends to reduce its global workforce by approximately 500 people to better align the company’s cost structure with the realities of today’s volatile global economy.

Dow Corning Corp. announced it intends to reduce its global workforce by approximately 500 people in the coming weeks.

According to a company statement, the actions are designed to better align the company's cost structure with the realities of today's volatile global economy.

Dow Corning, a developer and manufacturer of silicon-based materials, employs approximately 12,000 people worldwide.

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The company is facing significant challenges including oversupplied markets, high raw materials costs and slowed growth in many regions.

"Our company's greatest asset is our people and this is a difficult decision to have to make,” said Robert D. Hansen, Cow Corning president and CEO. “We are taking steps to ease the transition of affected employees and understand there are a lot of talented, hard working people leaving our team."

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