Fire at Georgia chemical plant forces evacuations

Feb. 6, 2013

A chemical fire Tuesday at the Harcros Chemicals plant in Dalton, Ga., forced the evacuation of nearby residents, but did not cause any major damage.

A chemical fire Tuesday at the Harcros Chemicals plant in Dalton, Ga., forced the evacuation of nearby residents, but did not cause any major damage, The Dalton Daily Citizen reported.

The fire involved phosphorus acid and toulene, according to Whitfield County Fire Chief Carl Collins. He said the chemical containers were not properly sealed, which caused them to spontaneously combust.

RELATED: Three workers suffer severe burns at New Jersey chemical plant

Residents within 1,000 feet of the plant were temporarily evacuated and school buses were delayed as several roads were blocked off.

One student described the scene at Valley Point Elementary to WDEF News 12: "Some of the teachers were running down the hallways just screaming get inside, stay in the classroom."

Firefighters arrived at the scene around 2:00 p.m. and extinguished the fire by 4:30 p.m., Collins said.

No injuries were reported.

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