Xylem to supply advanced oxidation process technology to treat drinking water in South Korea

Dec. 4, 2012

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Xylem Inc. has won a significant contract to treat municipal drinking water for a new high-tech industrial zone in South Korea.

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Xylem Inc. has won a significant contract to treat municipal drinking water for a new high-tech industrial zone in South Korea.

The contract will involve using ultraviolet (UV) advanced oxidation process (AOP) technology for the first time in a municipal drinking water system in the country.

The water treatment facility will treat more than 26 million gallons per day, and will be the first step in the development of the new $3 billion Sihwa Multi-Tech Valley project, a government-backed regional industrial development initiative being implemented by the K-Water municipality. The new hub for the enterprise is due to be completed by 2016 and aims to attract high-tech industries across the IT, chemicals and R&D sectors.

RELATED: Xylem launches as new global, pure-play water technology company

“This award demonstrates Xylem’s dedication to innovation, advanced technology and our focus on helping our customers solve global water challenges by investing in the right solutions,” said Gretchen McClain, president and CEO of Xylem.

“This is a very prestigious contract to win and a very exciting initiative. We look forward to working with K-Water and bringing the benefits of our extensive experience and advanced water treatment solutions to this project in Korea,” said Kwang-Yeul Chung, managing director of Xylem in Korea.

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