Improving accuracy and reliability in electromagnetic water meters

Feb. 15, 2013

Electromagnetic water meters are becoming popular for bulk measurement of residential and commercial drinking water as pricing and metering gain traction for more efficient use of water. Metering enables billing based on actual water consumption. The more valuable water gets, the more interested the market is in accurate, reliable measurement.

Electromagnetic water meters are becoming popular for bulk measurement of residential and commercial drinking water as pricing and metering gain traction for more efficient use of water. Metering enables billing based on actual water consumption. The more valuable water gets, the more interested the market is in accurate, reliable measurement.

Obstacles to accuracy include minimal flows and close quarter installation with inadequate up and downstream straight runs, and the need for mains power and backup in case of a power failure. Cabling costs can be high and cables are subject to tampering.

The article describes new technology that eliminates these challenges. Equipped with batteries that can last for up to 10 years, this technology facilitates automatic data reading and collection, especially beneficial for meters distributed over wide areas or in remote, difficult to reach locations such as underground installations or in buildings that are closed or locked.

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