Magnablend to pay fine for chemical plant fire

Jan. 23, 2013

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will vote Jan. 30 on a fine and enforcement order for an October 2011 fire at Magnablend Inc.’s Waxahachie, Texas, chemical-blending plant.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will vote Jan. 30 on a fine and enforcement order for an October 2011 fire at Magnablend Inc.’s Waxahachie, Texas, chemical-blending plant, The Dallas Morning News reported.

The fire, which occurred on Oct. 18, 2011, forced the evacuation of hundreds of residents and required $1 million in environmental cleanup.

RELATED: State regulators allege serious violations at Texas chemical plant

The company failed to file a required report of its chemical release within 48 hours, according to a state enforcement order.

TCEQ set state fines form the fire at $38,500.


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