Equipped with a drive that vibrates a specially designed feed tray, the SolidsFlow 2000 provides versatility for a number of process applications. A key feature of the SolidsFlow 2000 is its uniquely designed feed tray. Each tray contains a number of slats with a gap and overlap across the entire width of the discharge opening. All slat dimensions and angles are designed to suit the particular physical characteristics of each material being fed. Therefore, when the vibrations cease, material flow stops instantaneously due to changes in the vibrated and static angle of repose of the product. This feature is ideal for batch processes and is just one of the many applications the feeder can serve. Feed rates up to 3,000 cubic feet per hour are achievable. Schenck AccuRate is a global supplier of bulk solids metering equipment and systems including MECHATRON® Volumetric and Gravimetric Screw feeders, DEA and DMO Weigh feeders, Multicor™ and DLM Dry Material Flow meters, SacMaster® Bulk Bag Discharging Systems, BEMP™ Belt Scales and SolidsFlow™ Vibratory Feeders.