Powder Induction, Wetting, Dispersion in One Production Process

Jan. 1, 2013

The Ystral Conti-TDS brings major efficiencies to the production process by offering powder induction, wetting and then dispersing of an agglomerate-free liquid — all with one machine.

The Ystral Conti-TDS brings major efficiencies to the production process by offering powder induction, wetting and then dispersing of an agglomerate-free liquid — all with one machine. Powder Technologies, Inc., (PTI), exclusive distributor of Ystral powder and liquid processing systems throughout North America, offers the Conti-TDS as one of its solutions for processing applications in the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, chemical and coatings industries. The Conti-TDS has improved manufacturing processing of products such as: salad dressings, baby food, milk drinks, aromatics, toothpaste, shampoo, natural cosmetics, shaving foam, rub-in gels, tablet coatings, cough syrup, gelatin solutions, artificial resins, cleaning detergents, fibers, plant fertilizers, foils, paints, offset printing inks and textile colors.

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