Temperature Data Logger Device

Oct. 17, 2012

The OM-CP-RTDTEMP101A is part of a new series of low cost, state-of-the-art data logging devices. The OM-CP-RTDTEMP101A offers a 10-year battery life, a one-second reading rate, a multiple start/stop

The OM-CP-RTDTEMP101A, a temperature data logger, is part of a new series of low cost, state-of-the-art data logging devices. The OM-CP-RTDTEMP101A offers the following:  a 10-year battery life, a one-second reading rate, a multiple start/stop function, ultra-high speed download capability, 670,000 reading storage capacity, optional memory wrap, precision RTD sensing element, battery life indicator, optional password protection, programmable high-low alarms and more. Using the software, starting, stopping and downloading from the OM-CP-RTDTEMP101A temperature data logger device is simple and easy. Graphical, tabular and summary data is provided for analysis and data can be viewed in Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), Kelvin (°K) or Réaumur (°R). The data can also be exported to Excel®.

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