Research confirms promising results for ethylene-removal technology

Sept. 16, 2013

According to results from recent research by Cranfield University and Writtle College, new ethylene-removal technology can extend the shelf life of strawberries by two days or more.

According to results from recent research by Cranfield University and Writtle College, new ethylene-removal technology can extend the shelf life of strawberries by two days or more, Food Quality News reported.

The technology, developed by technical innovations company It'sFresh!, was presented at the International Conference on Managing Quality at Cranfield University. Researchers used It'sFresh! pads to remove ethylene and proved that the technology could prolong strawberries' shelf life. Detailed explanations of the technology are to be provided after the research has been peer-reviewed in a scientific journal.

Meanwhile, Simon Lee, chief marketing officer at It'sFresh!, commented that results showed It'sFresh! technology contributed to a slowdown in the decaying process of strawberries.

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The presence of ethylene is one of the biggest problems in food supply chains because it speeds up the decaying process in food products and especially fresh fruit and vegetables. It'sFresh! claims that its ethylene removal technology can be used across all stages of the supply chain, all the way from farmers to consumers, Food Quality News said.

It'sFresh! pads are currently being used by Waitrose and other supermarkets in the UK. When inserted into packaging, the technology locks away ethylene gas, which causes ripening of the products and their decay. According to It'sFresh!, the pads can reduce food waste in supermarkets by 50 percent.

Lee stated that the company was currently working on other applications for the pads to be used for other food products, Food Quality News said.

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