Three workers suffer severe burns at New Jersey chemical plant

Jan. 30, 2013

Three chemical plant employees were treated for severe burns Monday night following an incident at AZ Electronic Materials in Branchburg, N.J.

Three chemical plant employees were treated for severe burns Monday night following an incident at AZ Electronic Materials in Branchburg, N.J., reported.

Emergency crews were called to the facility at about 8:00 p.m. Monday. One employee had severe burns to the face, eyes and chest. Two others suffered contact burns while transporting the injured worker to the decontamination room, the article stated.

The type of chemicals released has not been announced, but North Branch Volunteer Fire Department Chief David Hickson said the chemicals were highly combustible.

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About one gallon of chemicals was released and cleaned up by in-house staff, Hickson said.

According to its website, AZ Electronic Materials manufactures specialty chemicals and materials for use in integrated circuits and devices, flat-panel displays, LEDs and photolithographic printing.


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