Condensate pipeline explodes in Ohio

Nov. 4, 2014

A pipeline carrying condensate exploded Oct. 28, causing a huge fire in a wooded area of Monroe County, Ohio.

A pipeline carrying condensate exploded Oct. 28, causing a huge fire in a wooded area of Monroe County, Ohio.

According to the Columbus Dispatch, several acres of woodland were burned before the pressure in the pipeline fell low enough for the fire to burn itself out. Fire crews attended the blaze, which started around 2:00 a.m. They left the scene at around 8:00 a.m.

No residents had to leave their homes and there were no reports of injuries.

It's not yet known what caused the explosion.

The 8-inch-diameter pipeline is operated by Blue Racer Midstream, a company jointly owned by Dominion and Caiman Energy II. It runs between eastern Ohio and a natural-gas processing plant in Natrium, West Virginia, which is also owned by the two energy firms.

Investigations into the incident have been launched by Blue Racer and by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is overseeing the cleanup of the area.

Casey Nikoloric, a spokeswoman for Blue Racer, told the Columbus Dispatch that there was no threat to the public and the company believed that there was minimal impact to the area where the failure occurred.

Condensate, a low-density mixture of hydrocarbon liquids, is considered a hazardous substance by the U.S. government.

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