Desalination plant in Qatar powered by renewable energy

March 11, 2016

Monsson Group is building a desalination plant powered by renewable energy in Qatar. The facility, which functions without operating personnel, is claimed to be the …

Monsson Group is building a desalination plant powered by renewable energy in Qatar.

The facility, which functions without operating personnel, is claimed to be the first fully automated and remotely controlled desalination plant.

The new plant is located on a farm owned by Ali Hussain Ali Al-Sada, who said in a statement: "The increasing global demand to find solutions for climate change is today’s problem that has an impact on tomorrow. Hence, this project was created to offer fresh desalinated drinking water as well as water for irrigation purposes in the production of food.

"Through tapping the forces of nature, we can now have a consistent supply and a sustainable electricity generation at a low maintenance cost."

Monsson expects the new plant to produce fresh water at a lower cost than purchasing and transporting water by truck. The technology allows even very remote locations to be supplied with energy and fresh water at reasonable costs, the company said.

Costin Lupu, Monsson director for the Middle East and Africa, said: "Water, energy and food demands are increasing worldwide. This is mainly due to population growth and industrialisation. Simultaneously, fossil fuel reserves are diminishing. Our goal for Qatar is to bring technical solutions for the production of fresh water and food, in a sustainable way, that’s not dependent on fossil energy. We have found this solution in nature."

This renewable energy plant is the first of many planned facilities in Qatar for which Monsson will provide sustainable electricity generation through photovoltaic and wind technology.

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