Filtration System with Real-time Process Monitoring and Management

Jan. 1, 2013

The lack of specialized equipment for manufacturing-scale bioprocesses can increase the labor and time required for normal flow filtration operations. PendoTECH’s recently launched Virus-Depth Filtration System enables complete process

The lack of specialized equipment for manufacturing-scale bioprocesses can increase the labor and time required for normal flow filtration operations. PendoTECH’s recently launched Virus-Depth Filtration System enables complete process control with pre-programmed functions for different steps during the critical flow filtration process. Equipped with a real-time monitor and built-in alarms that provide regulation, the system’s use of PendoTECH’s Single Use Pressure Sensors, tubing pinch valves, single use flow meter and non-invasive air detector permit a single use fluid path to increase the process efficiency. There are strict pressure limits and additional control components to prevent high-pressure situations from potentially jeopardizing a batch. While the fully automated pump control paired with the sensor & scale monitoring help re-direct the flow, the engineered turnkey stainless steel design features heavy-duty casters for portability and a completely sealed front panel for convenience in clean environments where frequent wipe-downs are required. Available with IQ/OQ validation templates to assist with custom validation.

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