Hapman joins fight against Alzheimer’s disease

Aug. 5, 2013

Hapman, a global leader of material handling equipment and systems, joins the Alzheimer’s Association® in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease with a new cause marketing initiative.

Hapman, a global leader of material handling equipment and systems, joins the Alzheimer’s Association® in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease with a new cause marketing initiative.

The campaign will run July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. The funds raised will help the Alzheimer’s Association provide care, support, and education programs for people living with the disease and help fund critical research.

Ned Thompson, President and CEO of Hapman notes, “Like many people today, we have parents, grandparents, friends, and other loved ones who have been affected by Alzheimer’s. Many members of the Hapman family are watching people close to them suffer from this debilitating disease. For them, and for the millions of others afflicted, we want to do everything we can to help fight this disease.”

To this end, Hapman will donate $250.00 for every Helix order received during the program period. Hapman will also support the cause by sharing education and support information about Alzheimer’s disease and the Alzheimer’s Association. The company will promote the disease facts, warning signs, and other resources and links using corporate public relations resources, previously committed advertising space, and dedicating specific pages on the Hapman website.

Right now there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is progressive and fatal, and is the only top ten cause of death without a way to prevent, cure or even slow its progression. Hapman is contributing to the Alzheimer’s Association to help fund vital research and care services. “We have a full commitment to the Alzheimer’s Association because funding and support is greatly needed,” noted Thompson, “we are dedicated to raising as much money as possible to support continued research."

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