Valin Corporation celebrates 50th anniversary

Jan. 24, 2024
Company began as a small industrial distributor of fluid connectors, valves, filters and control components.

(San Jose, Calif. — Jan. 24, 2024 — Valin release) — Valin Corporation, a leading provider of technical solutions for the technology, energy, life sciences, natural resources, and transportation industries, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

Valin began as a small industrial distributor of fluid connectors, valves, filters and control components. Today, the company offers personalized order management, on-site field support, comprehensive training, and applied expert engineering services utilizing automation, fluid management, precision measurement, process heating, and filtration products.

Valin has grown to serve the needs of a broad customer base within a wide range of industries including semiconductor/microelectronics, petroleum refining, power generation, chemical processing, measurement and analytical systems, industrial machinery, water and wastewater, scientific research, aerospace, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage.

“We take great pride in the value we have created for our customers, suppliers and employees over the past five decades,” said Anne Vranicic, president of Valin Corporation. “Through the test of time our company brand has become synonymous with a standard of excellence and quality that rivals the most innovative companies anywhere.”

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