Original spare parts

Feb. 14, 2014

When considering the purchase of a new pump, the lifetime cost of the equipment is important.

When considering the purchase of a new pump, the lifetime cost of the equipment is important. The high quality and precise fit of the main pumping elements, the rotor, stator and joints determine the reliability, life and durability of the pump.

When replacing parts, matching the materials of construction to that of the initial build specification is vital to maintain good service life. By doing so, you ensure that the pump is returned to its original quality, efficiency and performance. Using any other option brings with it risk of premature failure, reduced performance and lower efficiencies. to maintain good service life. By doing so, you ensure that the pump is returned to its original quality, efficiency and performance. Using any other option brings with it risk of premature failure, reduced performance and lower efficiencies.

Download this brochure to find examples of failures and concerns that seepex customers have experienced.

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