Texas municipality enters public-private partnership with Severn Trent Services

Feb. 5, 2013

Severn Trent Services will provide water and wastewater operations and maintenance services to Horizon Regional Municipal Utility District.

Horizon Regional Municipal Utility District (HRMUD) in Horizon City, Texas, has selected Severn Trent Services to provide contract management, operations and maintenance services for the district’s water and wastewater systems through a public-private partnership. Severn Trent will also provide meter reading, customer service and billing for the district.
Located in east El Paso County, Texas, HRMUD currently serves approximately 9,183 customers over 100,000 acres, primarily in the Horizon City area.

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The HRMUD water treatment plant uses state-of-the-art reverse osmosis filtration technology and has a “Superior Water System” rating with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The plant has a treatment capacity of up to 8 mgd, while the wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 3 mgd.
“Horizon Regional Municipal Utility District, their residents and visitors deserve the finest in water and wastewater management.” noted Dana Kaas, vice president, Operating Services for Severn Trent Services. “Severn Trent’s dedication to innovation, efficiency and high quality creates the perfect combination for optimal management of the District’s facilities.”

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