WEF executive director briefs US Conference of Mayors Water Council

Jan. 30, 2013

Water Environment Federation (WEF) Executive Director Jeff Eger briefed the 300 mayors in attendance on the “Water for Jobs” campaign, which makes the business case for water infrastructure investment.

During the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18, Water Environment Federation (WEF) Executive Director Jeff Eger briefed the 300 mayors in attendance on the “Water for Jobs” campaign, which makes the business case for water infrastructure investment by emphasizing the link between investment and job creation.

RELATED: WEF, US Department of Labor team to develop operator training standards

Launched in September 2012, the campaign has the support of 17 national partners and 32 WEF member associations representing more than 30,000 U.S. water quality professionals. The campaign partners will be hosting an Infrastructure Summit in April that intends to bring national attention to the issue.

“There has never been a more critical time to reinvest in our essential water infrastructure,” Eger said. “WEF and our partners are working together to deliver the message that water investment must be a national priority.”

Visit www.waterfortjobs.org for more information.

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