World’s largest water recycling facility to be built in Sydney, Australia

Aug. 18, 2014

A new water recycling facility to be built in Sydney, Australia, will be the largest of its kind in the world, according to Sydney Water.

A new water recycling facility to be built in Sydney, Australia, will be the largest of its kind in the world, according to Sydney Water.

The water utility said on Thursday that up to one million liters of water will be saved every day thanks to the facility at the Central Park residential and commercial development on the site of the old Carlton Brewery at Broadway.

A partnership has been formed between Sydney Water, which is wholly owned by the New South Wales Government, and private sector operator Central Park Water, which will source drinking water from Sydney Water and supply it to more than 2,000 residential apartments and 75,000 square meters of commercial and retail space at Central Park, said Kevin Humphries, minister for natural resources, lands and water.

The on-site water recycling facility will collect and treat sewage and wastewater and then distribute recycled water for uses such as flushing of toilets, cold water clothes washing and car washing, which together account for around 50 percent of traditional potable water use.

In addition, the water will be used to irrigate the 170-meter vertical garden at the development.

According to Humphries, this project shows how the public and private sector can work together to deliver integrated water solutions. The new water recycling facility will set the standard for water reuse and efficiency in new developments across Sydney, he said.

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