California city to invest $285 million in water recycling project

April 15, 2014

Escondido, Calif., is planning to invest $285 million in a water recycling program that aims to help its public water system handle demand for water amid the ongoing drought.

A Californian city is planning to invest $285 million in a water recycling program that aims to help its public water system handle demand for water amid the ongoing drought. Escondido City Council hopes that the money will allow the city to develop infrastructure that will convert sewage water into water used for irrigation.

The investment will be made over the course of 15 years, so relief for the water supply system in Escondido is still a long way ahead. However, the project has the potential to bring long-term benefits to the city and neighboring areas. It is estimated that by 2030 the city could earn $20 million per year from selling recycled water, the U-T San Diego reported.

According to Escondido City Council, implementing a water recycling project is the best option because on the one hand it would provide a valuable source of irrigation water, while on the other it would contribute to solving the problem of insufficient sewer capacity the city is facing due to commercial and residential development. Moreover, the city would have to import less water to meet demand.

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The city is likely to expand because the council has approved projects for the construction of technology business parks downtown but these are dependent on sewage capacity and reliable water supply, commented councilwoman Olga Diaz.

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