Chlorine residual accuracy improves dramatically at water district site

May 12, 2014

The Rainbow Water District wanted consistently accurate chlorination. Small footprint spray technology from Arch Chemicals together with specially engineered Constant Chlor® Plus calcium hypochlorite briquettes solved many problems and overcame skepticism of water district veteran. See the whole story in the Quarterly Report available from Constant Chor®Plus.

The Rainbow Water District wanted consistently accurate chlorination. Small footprint spray technology from Arch Chemicals together with specially engineered Constant Chlor® Plus calcium hypochlorite briquettes solved many problems and overcame skepticism of water district veteran. See the whole story in the Quarterly Report available from Constant Chor®Plus.

The report also details the challenges of meeting the exacting requirements of Portable Water Chlorination and at the same time eliminating many long-standing operations, maintenance and safety concerns associated with commercial bleach or gas chlorine.

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