Combustible dust will ruin your day, if you don’t watch out

Dec. 1, 2014
Combustible-dust explosions are a big concern shared by process-goods makers. The Stinger explosion-isolation valve isolates dust-collector explosions.
Combustible-dust explosions are a big concern shared by process-goods makers. The Stinger explosion-isolation valve isolates dust-collector explosions. A deflagration cannot travel back through the inlet pipe of the dust collector into the workspace — reducing combustible-dust explosion risk.

Airflow normally holds the blade open. If a deflagration occurs, a pressure wave travels through the pipe faster than the flame front, closing the flap valve and protecting downstream personnel and equipment from injury and damage. Once the valve is fully closed, latching keeps it shut. The closed valve prevents flame transmission and keeps smoke, dust and burning debris from traveling through the inlet pipe into the factory. A wear-resistant liner that also functions as a wear indicator will show when blades need replacing, a task easily done.

It is the first U.S.-made explosion flap valve to be independently certified for NFPA standards compliance. Its lightweight, patent-pending composite blade closes faster than heavier steel blades typically used for dust-collector inlet protection.

The composite material has a smooth surface and does not use stiffeners, which can allow dust to build up on the blade to compromise performance.

The Stinger explosion isolation valve not only protects against combustible dust explosions, it also offers combined benefits of tested and certified performance, rapid reaction speed, energy savings and maintenance ease. Application versatility is another benefit: The Stinger valve may be retrofitted onto most dust collection systems and used with new or existing Farr Gold Series dust collectors where the risk of a combustible dust explosion exists.

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