Digital dashboard helps industrial processors manage cyber security risk

April 22, 2015

The software is designed to monitor, measure and manage cyber security risk for control systems for refineries, power plants and other automated production facilities.

A global survey last year found that three quarters of respondents were worried that cyber criminals could hack into and control critical industries. The oil and gas, chemicals and power industries are thought to be particularly vulnerable to cyber attack.

To help plant operators manage cyber security risks for industrial sites, Honeywell Process Solutions has released a new digital dashboard. The software is designed to monitor, measure and manage cyber security risk for control systems for refineries, power plants and other automated production facilities.

Jeff Zindel, global business leader for cyber security at Honeywell Process Solutions, said that industrial processors need to understand their cyber security risks, but often don't know what to do with the data they get, or what to do if an incident occurs.

The Honeywell Industrial Cyber Security Risk Manager aims to help by simplifying the task of identifying areas of cyber security risk and providing real-time visibility, understanding and decision support required for action.

"It gives guidance on the potential impact of threats and vulnerabilities as well as possible resolutions, making it easier to manage cyber security risks," Zindel explained.

Risk Manager monitors plant assets within and across all security zones of the facility, including third-party systems. Its real-time measurement of risk is in line with industry standard risk management methodologies, Honeywell Process Solutions said.

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