In our recent reader survey, one respondent stated, “Because of increasing volumes, our company conveys more powders and liquids each year. The articles and advertisements in Processing stimulate a lot of new ideas.”
The Processing team is encouraged to hear words that affirm our goal to provide relevant, useful and new information to help solve key challenges processing plants face every day. In every issue, and on this website, we will try our best to keep those new ideas flowing. For example, for the reader mentioned above, our May cover series focuses on powder and bulk solids handling, from solids level measurement to feeder accuracy for continuous processing to pneumatic material transfer. Learn how common powder problems can be solved in our May issue.
One of the largest industry sectors represented by our reader survey respondents is food and beverage. “I get a good update in various fields of food processing helping me to understand some of the working tasks as technical manager,” a reader stated, and more respondents said they would like to see more articles on food safety, antimicrobials and pathogen reduction and control.
The May issue’s special section on bearings and seals touches on food industry sealing challenges and offers specific considerations for selecting food processing bushings. We look forward to focusing more on food and beverage processing topics later this year and bringing our readers’ suggestions to the page.
The May issue also offers articles centered on variable frequency drive selection, preventive maintenance, condition monitoring, industrial fan selection and lean manufacturing. As we prepare for our 2018 editorial planning, we are anxious to plot topics based on reader feedback from our recent survey, and we welcome suggestions from others via email or through our social media channels. We are looking for those big and new ideas to keep your facilities running efficiently, cost effectively and safely.