Product Focus: Diverter valve

March 7, 2022
The WYK-CIP two-way hygienic stainless steel diverter valve is ideal for residue-free cleaning in manufacturing processes with frequent product changes, with high hygiene and purity requirements.
Courtesy of Coperion K-Tron
Coperion K Tron Wyk Cip 6222448d8a6c9

WYK-CIP two-way hygienic stainless steel diverter valve is ideal for residue-free cleaning in manufacturing processes with frequent product changes, with high hygiene and purity requirements. Valve’s single-channel conical design is ideally suited for inline material handling of hygienic and difficult-to-handle powders, such as whey powder, lactose, dried milk powders and infant formula. Valve can be used in pneumatic conveying systems to divert powder transfer to different locations and is often used in return lines in spray drying applications. Unit’s fully automatic clean-in-place design with a retractable rotor assembly permits complete purging of all residue without dismantling or manual cleaning.

Coperion K-Tron

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