Product Focus: Extra heavy duty rotary valves

May 30, 2022
Extra Heavy Duty (EHDM) series rotary valves feature an easy-to-disassemble design for wear-part inspection and replacement without off-site technical support or custom machining.

Extra Heavy Duty (EHDM) series rotary valves feature an easy-to-disassemble design for wear-part inspection and replacement without off-site technical support or custom machining. Valves are designed to maximize line uptime and minimize service calls and allow a single maintenance technician to replace worn slotted collars, shaft sleeves, end discs, body liners and replaceable blades quickly using common hand tools. Valves are suitable for abrasive materials such as cement, granite dust, silica sand, quartz and other powders that cause extreme wear under normal operating conditions. Units can be made from cast iron, carbon steel or SG ductile iron with optional chrome- or ceramic-coated body liners for extra protection against premature wear and are available in a wide range of standard sizes and in custom sizes to suit any bulk solids processing installation.

Gericke USA

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